Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hellooooooo Everyone!

I Would like to thank Erin for her more than amazing "Welcome" piece. I would like to add a few words myself to make up for the few things she forgot to mention.......

like how awsome of a person she is. She is smart, caring and has a more wicked fashion taste than i do. She is a great listener and is always there for you when you need her..... plus, the fact that she loves Medieval History makes me adore her so much more.

Ok, now that i said my piece about her since she left that out in her post, i would also like to welcome all of you and hope that in time, we will laugh, learn new things and live through new adventures (or just dream about them while we are working in our book room)Thats all for now and stay tuned for more book and fashion posts to come :)



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